Broken Pipe? You need an Allen water extraction company!
Mold can start growing within a day or two after a water leak. If you can’t remove the water and dry an area quickly, consider calling an Allen water extraction company.
“Grout Museum sustains water damage from broken pipe
May 23, 2013 10:30 am • Bu PAT KINNEY,
WATERLOO, Iowa — Staff at the Grout Museum had an earlier and soggier start to their work day this morning (Thursday) than any of them wanted.
A water pipe broke near the meeting room in the older part of the museum, leaking into the collections storage area on the museum’s lower level.
The extent of damage to museum collections is not yet known, Grout executive director Billie Bailey said, as staff were still removing stored artifacts from the water-damaged area this morning. However, she expressed optimism that many of the items can still be dried out and salvaged “with some conservation work.”
Alarms went off in the building at about 3 a.m. “We rallied the staff,” Bailey said, and Young Plumbing and Heating quickly responded to minimize damage.
Fans were running in the museum building this morning, drying out carpeting in the meeting room area.
Bailey said the problem was unrelated to this week’s substantial rains and low-level local flooding. “Just old pipes,” she said.
The water problem in the museum comes on the heels of hail damage to the roof damage to the Grout district’s Bluedorn Science Imaginarium earlier this month.””
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