Has snow created unexpectd danger to your Dallas roofing?
Has snow caused a softened and unstable Dallas roof?
When snow comes to Dallas it is a magical experience. Over the years it is possible that the accumulated snow on your Dallas roof could create a not-so-magical nightmare.
This could especially be the case if you have a low-peak or flat Dallas roof where the snow will sit and sink through your Dallas roof and cause softening of the wood beneath. This could cause an unexpected danger and Dallas roof-damage that could leave you with a costly Dallas roof-repair.
“DAVID Reid got a double shock when the roof on his two-car garage caved in from heavy snow Sunday.”
“The first came at 3:30 a.m. when a boom made the whole house shake.”
“The second shock came in mid-afternoon on Sunday, when the fire department came with sirens wailing to his house on Garwood Avenue in Fort Rouge. A neighbour had just noticed the damage and feared it had just happened, with Reid possibly buried inside.”
“No, just his car and other belongings.”
“It was 3:30 a.m. There was a huge boom like 15 people were pounding on the side of the house,” Reid said. “The roof was so heavy, it pulled the walls in, too.”
“Reid said the peaks on his house are so steep the snow has melted and run off, but the slope was much gentler on the garage, where the snow was half a metre deep.”
“It was a low roof, so it wasn’t a very high peak,” Reid said. “It softened the wood like a sponge. It was melting quite a lot — that’s what made the wood so soft. The roof collapsed in on itself.”
“The force was so great the nails holding the roof to the walls pulled out, said Reid.”
“He’s still assessing the damage and breaking the news to some friends.”
“One had a motorcycle stored in the garage. Another is in the middle of moving and had temporarily stored boxes full of personal effects in the garage.”
“There were bikes, a lawn mower,” he said.
“Reid’s car had its roof caved in.”
Go Go Green Roofing and Solar is number one in homeowner’s choice for Dallas roofing repairs. Instead of giving a bogus bid with hidden costs, we will provide you a brand new roof for what your insurance company pays you. Sounds like a hassle? Nope, we will even handle the whole insurance process for you even in Dallas. Roofing is what we love; call us today at (682) 325-2682 to schedule your free inspection. Go to www.gogogreenroofing.com for more information.